Samsung mobiltelefon 07202010 Håndbog

PDF Håndbøger
128 Sider Engelsk

Samsung mobiltelefon 07202010
: allows you to delete this image.
Set as
: allows you to set this image as Picture D or Wallpaper.
: allows you to edit your image attributes such as: Effects, Adjust, Transform, Crop, Insert, Set as, Send via, or Print via
Bluetooth printer.
: rotates the page from landscape to portrait view and vice versa.
Slide show
: displays several images as a slide show.
: displays basic details about this image.
6. Press
Send via
to send this message as a Message or to a Bluetooth enabled device.
7. If you selected Message in Step 6, press and select one of the following:
Recent recipients
: allows you to select a number or an address from the last 10 destinations you entered.
: allows you to enter the phone number you want from your Contacts.
: allows you to send this image to a group.
8. Press to return to the Idle mode.
Configuring Camera Options
1. Before taking a photo, press
to access the following:
: allows you to take a picture or record a video.
Shooting Mode
: takes a photo in various modes. Once you change the mode, the corresponding indicator displays at the top left
of the display.
: takes a single photo and allows you to view it before returning to the shooting mode.
: takes a succession of photos.
: takes a landscape photo and places a black mat in front of the photo so it looks like there are four panels in one photo.
Smile shot
: the camera focuses on the foreground or subject and not on the background.
: takes up to four photos and then groups them together into a single final photo.
Night Mode
allows you to select
: allows you to set the image size to either: 1600x1200, 1280x960, 640x480, or 320x240.
White balance
: allows you to set this option from the following choices: Auto, Daylight, Incandescent, Fluorescent, or Cloudy.
Exposure meter
: allows you to set how the camera measures or meters the light source: Matrix, Center-weighted or Spot.
: allows you to change the color tone or apply special effects to the photo.
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