Seagate tv kabler 77767496 Håndbog

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Seagate tv kabler 77767496
Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 37
The loop initialization process begins when any NL_Port forces the loop into the INITIALIZING state. See Fig-
ure 11. This initializing port begins transmitting loop initialization primitive sequences (LIPs). Any NL_Port can
cause this by sending any of the LIPS listed in Table 15. All LIPs cause the 4-step initialization process to
occur. A loss of signal will also force the loop to initialize.
There are five Loop Initialization Primitive (LIP) sequences:
The next L_Port in the loop receives the LIPs and transitions to the OPEN_INIT state and transmits LIPs to the
next L_Port on the loop. This cycle continues until the port that started the initialization process receives the
LIPs. It then also transitions to the OPEN_INIT state. This means all L_Ports on the loop are in the OPEN_INIT
state at this point.
Each port transmits a minimum of 12 LIPs and then transmits Idles for the AL_TIME (15 msecs). The L_Port
then transmit Loop Initialization Select Master (LISM) frames to select a loop master who will then control the
initialization process.
Loop initialization steps
There are four primary steps involved in initializing the loop.
1. Select a loop master based on the 8-byte port name (Loop Initialization Select Master—LISM).
2. Assign each port an arbitrated loop physical address (AL_PA). There are four ways a port can acquire an
AL_PA. These are listed below.
Fabric assigned (Loop Initialization Fabric Assigned—LIFA)
Previously acquired (Loop Initialization Previously Acquired—LIPA)
Hard assigned (Loop Initialization Hardware Assigned—LIHA)
Soft assigned (Loop Initialization Soft Assigned—LISA)
3. Generate AL_PA position map (Loop Initialization Report Position—LIRP).
4. Transmit completed AL_PA position map around the loop (Loop Initialization Loop Position—LILP).
Table 15: Loop Initialization Primitive (LIP) sequences
LIP Reason Code Use Description
F7, F7 Initializing LIP Used when an L_Port wants to acquire an AL_PA.
F8, AL_PS Loop failure The originating L_Port has detected an input failure. The
AL_PS is the AL_PA of the L_Port.
F8, F7 Loop failure The originating L_Port has detected an input failure but the
L_Port does not have an AL_PA.
F7, AL_PS Performance degradation The originating L_Port has detected poor loop performance.
Example: The L_Port is unable to win arbitration.
AL_PD, AL_PS Selective reset The source L_Port (AL_PS) wants to reset the destination
port (AL_PD). All L_Ports complete loop initialization. The
selected L_Port performs a reset after loop initialization.
FF, AL_PS Reset all The source L_Port (AL_PS) wants to reset all other L_Ports
supporting LIP reset on the loop. All L_Ports complete initial-
ization. The L_Ports supporting LIP reset all (generally only
the targets in a storage implementation) perform a reset after
loop initialization.
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