Sony marine radio PCS-1 Håndbog

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78 Sider Engelsk

Sony marine radio PCS-1
1-1-2. Operating Environment
Layout Considerations
. Avoid having large, moving objects, especially people,
behind the participants, as the quality of the picture
transmitted to the remote party will deteriorate.
. Do not seat participants in front of a wall with fine stripe
. Choose a room where echo will not occur.
. Do not install the system near noise sources such as air
conditioners or copy machines.
. Avoid placing the system in a room where there are the
speakers used for an in-house broadcasting system.
Lighting Considerations
Do not point the camera toward a window where sunlight
comes in as back lighting may decrease the contrast. If it is
necessary, cover the window with a thick curtain.
Adjust room lighting so that it falls on the participants.
Avoid direct light on the TV monitor. Light intensity on
faces should be about 300 lux or more.
If an inverter type or brightness-adjustable type of
fluorescent lamp is used, the sensitivity of the Remote
Commander may deteriorate.
Installing the Communication Terminal and Camera
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